31-501. Short title; administration.
- K.S.A. 2010 Supp. 31-501 through 31-506, and amendments thereto, shall be known and may be cited as the "Kansas fireworks act".
- This act shall be administered by the state fire marshal.
31-502. Definitions. As used in this act, unless the context otherwise requires:
- "Licensed display fireworks operator" means a person licensed to operate an outdoor display of display fireworks.
- "Licensedproximatepyrotechnicoperator"meansapersonlicensedtooperateindoororoutdoor articles of pyrotechnic.
- "Manufacturer"meansanypersonengagedinthemanufactureoffireworksofanykindinthestateofKansas.Manufacturershallalsoincludeanypersonengagedintheassemblyofconsumerfireworksorcomponent parts into afinished itemor assortment, butshallnotinclude repackagingfinishedgoodsinto an assortment.
- "Distributor"meansanypersonengagedinthedistributionoffireworksofanykindinthestateof Kansas to include the following:
- Sells,delivers,transports,consigns,gives,imports,exportsorotherwisefurnishesconsumerfireworks to any person for the purpose of resale to a retailer or any other distributor or reseller within the state of Kansas;
- sells,intendstosell,offerforsale,possesswithintenttosellorconsignsdisplayfireworksorarticles pyrotechnic to any person, distributor, municipality or any other organization within thestate of Kansas;or
- produces,conductsorprovidesalicensedoperatororimportsanydisplayfireworksorarticles pyrotechnic of any kind within the state of Kansas for profit.
- "Distributor" shall not include:
- AnyonewhotransportsfireworksfromonestatetoanotherstatethroughthestateofKansasandsuch fireworks ultimate destination is not within the state of Kansas;
- anyone who sells consumer fireworks during a fireworks season as a seasonal retailer;
- freightdeliverycompaniesorcommoncarriersasdefinedinU.S.departmentoftransportation49
C.F.R. 171.8; or
(4)anout-of-statepersonwhosells,transports,deliversorgivesfireworkstoalicensedmanufactureror distributor.
- "Hobbyist manufacturer" means any person who manufactures consumer fireworks, display fireworks or articles pyrotechnic for their personal use.
- "Person"meansanyindividual,partnership,firm,company,association,corporation,not-for-profit organization, municipality or limited liability corporation.
- "Seasonal retailer" means a person who receives consumer fireworks and sells, delivers, consigns, gives orotherwisefurnishesconsumerfireworksonlytothepublicfortheirpersonaluseandonlyduringafireworks season.
- "Storage"meansthesafekeepingoffireworksinawarehouseormagazineorcomparableappropriate depository.Consumerfireworksthatarelocatedatthedestinationoftheirretailsaleandthatarebeingheldin anticipation of retail sale shall not beconsidered as in storage.
- "Fireworks season" means a period in time as set forth in the regulations authorized to be adopted by the statefiremarshalduringacalendaryearinwhichseasonalretailersarepermittedtosellconsumerfireworkstothe public.
(k) "Fireworks display" means a privateor public production of display fireworks or articles pyrotechnic, or both,whichareintendedforuseanddesignedtoproducevisibleoraudibleeffectsforentertainmentpurposesby combustion, deflagration or detonation.
31-503. Licensure to sell or use fireworks, requirements; permit to conduct fireworks display; fees.
- Anypersonwhointendstosell,offerforsale,possesswithintenttosell,anyconsumerfireworks, display fireworks or articles pyrotechnic or discharge, use, display fireworks or articles pyrotechnicshall first obtain the appropriatelicense fromthe state fire marshal.This shallnotinclude seasonalretailers.
- The types of license shall be as follows:
- Manufacturer;
- hobbyist manufacturer;
(3) distributor;
(4) display fireworks operator; and
(5) proximate pyrotechnic operator.
- Beforealicenseholdermayoperate,suchlicenseholdermustsatisfytherequirementsofthisactand regulations adopted by the state fire marshal.
- The license holder shall be at least 21 years of age upon applying for a license.
- Licenses shall not be transferable.
- Except as otherwise provided in this section, the state fire marshal shall have the authority to fix, charge and collect fees as follows:
- Amanufacturerlicenseshallbevalidforaperiodofoneyear.Theannuallicensefeeshallnotbeless than$400ormorethan$600.Aholderofamanufacturerlicenseisnotrequiredtohaveanyadditionallicensesin order to manufacture and sellany fireworks defined by this act.
- Ahobbyistmanufacturerlicenseshallbevalidforaperiodoffouryears.Thelicensefeeshallnotbe less than $50 or more than $80.
- A distributor license shall be valid for a period of one year. The annual fee shall not be less than $300 or more than $500.
- Adisplayfireworksoperatorlicenseshallbevalidforaperiodoffouryears.Thelicensefeeshallnot be less than $40 or more than $80.
- A proximate pyrotechnics operator license shall be valid for a period of four years. The license fee shall not be less than $40 or more than $80.
(g)Apermittoconductafireworksdisplayshallbeobtainedbythesponsororoperatorofafireworks display fromand approved by the city or county where the fireworks display is to be discharged.
(h)Nofeeshallbechargedforalicenseorpermitunderthissectionforanypersonwhoisanofficeror employeeofthestateoranypoliticalortaxingsubdivisionofthestatewhenthatpersonisactingonbehalfofthe state or political or taxing subdivision.
31-505. Disposition of fees.
(a)Allfeescollectedpursuanttothisactshallbetransmittedtothestatetreasurerinaccordancewiththe provisionsofK.S.A.75-4215,andamendmentsthereto.Uponreceiptofeachsuchremittance,thestatetreasurer shalldepositthe entire amountin thestate treasuryto thecreditof thestate fire marshalfee fund.
31-506. Rules and regulations.